One of the tasks that I have added to Cedar Valley Sentinel (formerly i84005) is that of a Watchdog. Basically the goal of this program is to allow residents to be able to get the information they need so they can make informed decisions on Elected Officials as well as items that are on the Planning Commission and City Council for Eagle Mountain.
Transparency is key. Residents need information, and they need it in a format that is easy to read. The Cedar Valley Sentinel (formerly i84005) Eagle Mountain Watchdog project is setup to do that. We strive to give the residents of Eagle Mountain information that is in easy to read and understand format. We also try to pull all relevant information from the various sources to one place to help residents with the decision process. For example, we want to make it easy to see what campaign contributions were given to elected officials during the election cycle when an item is on the City Council agenda. We also would like to add any bidding information, etc for each item if any applies. And add any historical context to the items as well.
Most Eagle Mountain residents do not spend the time needed to make informed decisions on city government actions. This is not necessarily the fault of the resident. The information at times can be hard to find and in unreadable format. It can also be scattered in different places, which makes getting historical background difficult.