The Alpine School District conducted an investigation into suspicious activity on their network and found no evidence of unauthorized access to their data. However, a small subset of student data may have been accessed, including names, email addresses, and student ID numbers. As a precautionary measure, the district offers complimentary identity monitoring services to affected students through Equifax. Parents are encouraged to change their children’s passwords and contact a dedicated assistance line for further inquiries.
The Alpine School District sent the following email to Parents on Friday, May 12th.
From: Alpine School District <>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2023 10:44 PM
Subject: Network Security Update and Notification
Parents of Alpine School District,
We recently reported to you that we identified suspicious activity within certain systems on our district network. We worked with third party data forensics specialists to investigate the nature and scope of that activity, confirm its impact on our systems, and help further secure our network. We have appreciated your patience while we diligently conducted this thorough and time-intensive investigation. This investigation did not confirm unauthorized access of Alpine School District’s data. However, the investigation could not rule out that a small subset of student data was accessed. We are providing this notice after a comprehensive review of that subset of data and in an abundance of caution to inform you that the small subset of data for which we could not rule out unauthorized access included your student’s first name, last name, district-provided email address, and student ID number.
Information security is among Alpine’s highest priorities. While we are not aware of any actual or attempted misuse of your child’s information, Alpine is nonetheless offering your child access to twelve months of complimentary identity monitoring services through Equifax. If you would like to access these services, please call the assistance line below to obtain an Activation Code, which may be used for up to four students per household. Additional Activation Codes are available for households that need multiple codes. In order to receive an Activation Code, you will be asked to validate the identities of your student(s) using their name and either their mailing address or Alpine-district email address. Once you receive an Activation Code, please use the attached instructions to enroll your student(s) in this monitoring product. These instructions include necessary steps for an adult to create a free Equifax account, through which the monitoring product on behalf of your student(s) will be registered.
As a reminder, student emails are not able to receive messages or files from users outside of other district accounts or our approved learning partners. We appreciate your assistance in helping your children to change their passwords, and encourage regular password changes as a best practice. This can be done anytime at
We understand that you may have questions that are not addressed in this email. Should you have questions regarding this event, you may call our toll-free dedicated assistance line at 866-932-7795. This toll-free line is available Monday – Friday 7:00 am MT to 7:00 pm MT.
Alpine School District
En español
Padres del Distrito Escolar Alpine,
Recientemente les informamos que identificamos actividad sospechosa dentro de ciertos sistemas en la red de nuestro distrito. Trabajamos con especialistas forenses de datos externos para investigar la naturaleza y el alcance de esa actividad, confirmar su impacto en nuestros sistemas y ayudar a proteger aún más nuestra red. Agradecemos su paciencia mientras realizamos diligentemente esta investigación exhaustiva y prolongada. Esta investigación no confirmó el acceso sin autorización a los datos del Distrito Escolar Alpine. Sin embargo, la investigación no pudo descartar que se accedió a un pequeño subconjunto de datos de los estudiantes. Proporcionamos este aviso después de una revisión exhaustiva de ese subconjunto de datos y con mucha precaución para informarle que el pequeño subconjunto de datos para el cual no pudimos descartar el acceso sin autorización incluía el nombre de su estudiante, apellido, el correo electrónico proporcionado por el distrito, y número de identificación del estudiante.
La seguridad de la información es una de las principales prioridades de Alpine. Aunque no tenemos conocimiento de ningún uso indebido real o intento de la información de su hijo, Alpine le ofrece a su hijo acceso a doce meses de servicios de monitoreo de identidad gratuitos a través de Equifax. Si desean acceder a estos servicios, llamen a la línea de asistencia a continuación para obtener un código de activación, que puede usarse para hasta cuatro estudiantes por hogar. Los códigos de activación adicionales están disponibles para los hogares que necesitan varios códigos. Para recibir un código de activación, se les pedirá que validen las identidades de su(s) estudiante(s) utilizando su nombre y su dirección postal o la dirección de correo electrónico del distrito de Alpine. Una vez que reciban un código de activación, utilicen las instrucciones adjuntas para inscribir a su(s) estudiante(s) en este producto de monitoreo. Estas instrucciones incluyen los pasos necesarios para que un adulto cree una cuenta gratuita de Equifax, a través de la cual se registrará el producto de monitoreo en nombre de su(s) estudiante(s).
Como recordatorio, los correos electrónicos de los estudiantes no pueden recibir mensajes o archivos de usuarios fuera de otras cuentas del distrito o de nuestros socios de aprendizaje aprobados. Agradecemos su ayuda para ayudar a sus hijos a cambiar sus contraseñas y recomendamos cambios regulares de contraseña como mejor práctica. Esto se puede hacer en cualquier momento en
Entendemos que pueden tener preguntas que no se abordan en este correo electrónico. Si tienen preguntas sobre este evento, pueden llamar a nuestra línea de asistencia dedicada gratuita al 866-932-7795. Esta línea gratuita está disponible de lunes a viernes de 7:00 am a 7:00 pm MT.
Distrito Escolar Alpine

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.