EAGLE MOUNTAIN, UTAH – Keith Conley passed away on Saturday, July 16th. Keith Conley is a well-liked principal in Eagle Mountain. He was the first principal at Eagle Valley Elementary as well as the current principal of Hidden Hollow Elementary.
Keith Conley was the first principal of Eagle Valley Elementary school when it opened in the fall of 2004. The Pleasant Grove Review wrote an article about him and the school’s opening. The article written by Linda Butler was printed on May 6th, 2004.
Conley was quoted in the article saying, “Our desire is to form a strong, symbiotic relationship with the community. We realize that educators and parents working as partners will benefit students, the children, the most..” He continued, “I feel that the core of every academic subject are sound skills in reading.” “We will encourage families to read together.”
The article then continues with a short bio about Keith.
- Raised in Cincinnati, Ohio
- Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in history/political science from BYU – in 1989
- Secondary Teacher in White Pine Col., Nevada
- Coached Basketball, Volleyball, and Wrestling
- Master’s Degree from UNLV in education administration – in 2002
- Assistant Principal at Mountain Ridge Junior High.
- Committee Chair on the Pleasant Gove Library Board.
“I Love working with children. There’s nothing greater on can do, other than being a parent or grandparent than being an educator.”
In September of 2007, Keith Conley was quoted in an article about how Eagle Valley will remember 9/11. He arranged to have a member of the National Guard speed with students about patriotism. He also had a Humvee parked where students could interact with it during lunch as well as encouraged them to wear red, white, and blue. “It’s important to continue to teach our students about the importance of the sacrifice (soldiers) make for us and not just forget 9/11. That’s why we asked men and women to serve throughout the world to protect the United States.”
The residents of Eagle Mountain have been sharing their feelings on Facebook in several of the local groups and on the Elementary School pages. Here are just a few of the many things that people had to say about Mr. Conley and the influence he has had on their lives.
Rich Rasband had this to say about Mr. Conley on his personal Facebook Page
Just found out that my friend Keith Conley unexpectedly passed away this weekend. Keith was my principal for four years at Eagle Valley Elementary in Eagle Mountain, from 2007-2011. He was a former marine, and you always knew where you stood with him, which I appreciated. Keith was also the best principal I ever worked for, and he always had my back, which is a rarity in administrators nowadays. Not only that, he was a good friend who helped me keep perspective on my job, no matter how bad public education got. Keith had the best interests of the students at heart and had no patience for the bureaucracy and politics that educators have to put up with nowadays. We still met at least once a year for lunch to commiserate on the state of public education. The greatest compliment Keith ever paid me was when he told my current principal that he wished his son could’ve had me for a teacher. Keith was only two years older than me and was planning on the coming school year being his last before he took a well-deserved retirement. I’m going to miss Keith. #semperfi

Beck Jones had this to say on her personal Facebook page (used here with her permission).
I sit here in shock and disbelief. I found out this morning that my friend and mentor, Kieth Conley passed away on Saturday. As I sit here with tears flowing down my face I think about how he left such a positive impact on my life and that of thousands of children. Kieth was our first principal at Eagle Valley Elementary in 2004. I served on SCC with him for 7 years before teaching. I got to know him well as I volunteered at the school. He was the principal for all 5 of my children. He was one of my greatest cheerleaders as I decided to teach full-time.
I am so thankful that I still have many email messages and a beautiful letter of recommendation he wrote me. These words mean so much me to me as I think back to almost 20 years of friendship. Please indulge me as I share some of his messages to me from the past years. He really was my cheerleader in education and will be greatly missed!
Becky, Remember….you are a champion. I hope your family is well, especially your missionary. kc
Becky, it was such a delight to see you, your husband and the students from EVES yesterday. It really made my day that the students remembered me.
I am proud of you for the terrific teacher you are and the leader you have become at EVES. I have watched you for many years since our days together on the EVES SCC, and then as you subbed and prepared to enter the profession full-time.
May you know that you are touching lives and making a difference out there, Becky. Please pass along my best to the folks who I know out there and to your team. If I can ever be of service to you and yours, call on me my dear sister.
Becky, how are you? I was thinking about folks out there as I saw students teachers and parents from EVES at HOA today.
I miss the good folks in EM. 10 years binds a fella’ to the people!
I hope you and your family are well. Please give them my best. Tell the families out there that I miss them and hope that they are well. – kc
Becky, I am so glad that you will teach at EVES next year. You have been a blessing to many in EM, at EVES and to yours truly. Godspeed to you and yours, – kc
Becky, I hope you have had a good year at EVES. I miss my friends out there. Please extend my very best to those at EVES from my days. Stay in touch. I am grateful for you and our association. -kc
KR – So sad! He was a wonderful man and always made us lunch ladies feel like we were important! Only one that would come and ask how we were everyday during lunch! Thank you for that MR Conley! You will be missed!
WB – I wanted to come on here and say as a long ago student that he was a great principal. Every encounter with him, throughout the four school years I was at Eagle Valley, was positive. I remember once I was selected by my teacher, along with other classmates, to sit and have lunch with him. I don’t remember anything we talked about during that lunch. I just remember being honored and having a great time with him. He definitely was someone all the kids will remember as being a legend. Rest in peace my princi”pal”
JA – He loved being a principal and working with the kids. He gave me my very first classroom and I will be forever grateful. I can still see him going around the school to each classroom giving a big wave and a hearty “Good Morning!”
DC – He was a wonderful mentor in so many ways! My youngest was born weeks after EVES opened. Keith would hold that baby in SCC meetings and later reminded my kid that he’d known them their whole life. Keith was so full of love.
AA – My favorite memory of Keith was when I first interviewed with him, as a student at UVU. One of my professors told me to open my interview with a joke to ease my nerves. When I asked for help with a joke, he told me to tell the hiring committee that, “I’d even be willing to teach in Eagle Mountain”. When I said my “joke” Keith stood up and cheered. I had no idea the privilege that teaching in that community would be, nor the legacy that Keith would imprint on my heart. My heart goes out to his family and all of the educators that he worked with.
I will update the article with additional details as they unfold.

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.