It is important to prepare for a natural disaster. All of the time spent in clearly thinking and planning will mean the difference between survival or not. Consider the important things you cannot do without and the way in which you will live in case the worst thing happens to you. First, sit down and come up with ten essential things you cannot live without in your daily routine of living. When you come up with this list of ten essential things, then ask yourself why you cannot do without them. For example, food and water. Secondly, ask yourself how long you will want to survive for. If it is 5 days of disaster, then come up with a reasonable amount of food and water you would need to survive thru the disaster.
Besides food and water you will also want to make sure you have medical supplies in case their is an injury to yourself or one of the members of your family. A disaster means that what social benefits you may normally have outside of a disaster may be reduced to a minimum or to zero during the time of a disaster. In other words, the keyword is surviving for an indefinite amount of time.
One of the most significant things that are considered during preparation for a disaster is shelter. Preparing to have the right kind of shelter during a specific disaster is paramount to survival. Since most people do not have the luxury of moving around freely during a disaster, it is paramount to reducing the most amount of tension that could be experience in the pre-planning stage before the disaster occurs. This means that considering that you don’t know what kind of disaster will occur it, is best to make a list of shelters that would be most beneficial in most kinds of disasters.
Most people find that spending a fair amount of time with family and friends in pre-planning and double-checking all the necessities that will be needed for a disaster will take a considerable amount of tension out of the experience of a disaster. Normally there are community help in planning for disasters in the form of government workshops and the Red Cross, which has helped millions of people safely plan and survive a disaster. By contacting these free and important organizations most families and individuals will be better suited, both physically and psychologically for preparing for the disaster that may be in their future.
It is important to remember that disaster preparation comes in stages and take time to pinpoint the necessary types of physical and emotional helps needed to see you thru. By testing your list of essential things you need for a disaster and sharing it with professional disaster relief groups you can find peace of mind before the disaster and reduce your stress in the case of a natural disaster.
Sky Aker – Patriot, Freedom Fighter, and Right Wing Conspiracist. Believes in survival, doomsday prepping, end of world scenarios and plans to be able to survive such events. Sky can be found hiding in his faraday cage protected bunker. Sky’s favorite saying: Even if the Earth fails, let the “nom de plume” survive.
Emergency Preparedness is very important! This months Ensign Feb 2017 talks about thisagain on page 44
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) have always been big supporters and preachers of emergency preparedness. They have an entire website that is dedicated to that and Provident Living. You can get a lot of good resources from their site:
Are you referring to the article, “Ye Shall Not Fear”?
Yes…that is the article I was referring about.
I will check out the provident living…..thank you
Stephanie had posted about “Fire Diasters” and it reminded me of the church
always teaching “To be Prepared”….Thank You
I have an article in work about preparing for fires. Posted one about flooding yesterday. More to come over the next month or so.
Sky, thanks for participating on the site. Keep up the good work.
Mike Kieffer – iNSIDER