On June 4, 2023, Peterson Drew Matheson was charged with a Road Rage incident that resulted in the deaths of two individuals as well as manslaughter and and reckless driving charges. At 1:00 PM on Feb 8, 2024, via a WebEx court hearing a Jury Trial date of October 7-11 was set. A pre-trial conference date was also set for July 18th.
Matheson will remain in the custody of the Utah County Sheriff until the trial date in October. A day before the hearing and trial date, Matheson’s wife, Ashley filed papers in the Utah 4th District Court in Provo for a Divorce/Annulment. As customary in Utah Court a Domestic Relations Injuction was issued by Judge Kraig Powell. The Injunction states that either party may not do anything to change the current status of services or finances held by both parties. The parties cannot harass, intimidate, or use other information to obtain new services or finances.
Updated Case Notes (2/8/2024)
Mike Kieffer is an IT geek by hobby and trade, with a BS in Information Systems & Technology. He is a proud father of 10, a grandpa, an author, a journalist, and internet publisher. His motto is to “Elevate, Inspire and Inform”, and he is politically conservative and a Christian. Mike has a passion for technology, writing, and helping others. With a wealth of experience, he is committed to sharing his knowledge with others to help them reach their full potential. He is known for his jackassery or his form of self-expression that encourages boldness, creativity, and risk-taking. It can be a way to push the boundaries and challenge traditional norms, leading to creative solutions and positive change.