By Rio L. Barney
I sat alone and listened
I heard nothing
I sat alone and begged
I heard nothing
I sat alone and wept
I heard nothing
You came into my life
I never sat alone again.
*This poem is dedicated to my husband, Jerry Barney
Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Rio L. Barney is an author of all things fantasy with a dash of horror and sci-fi mixed in. When not trekking through the wilds of Utah with her husband and three children, she can be found hacking away at a computer, often laughing at her own jokes. She loves to stare at the stars and dig in the dirt while attempting to grow anything and everything in the heavy clay of Utah County. Born and raised in Lehi, she has traveled the world only to return to her hometown. You can find her on Facebook as Rio Barney and Instagram @barneyrio