Dear Editor,
If you’ve paid attention to the 2025 Utah State Legislative Session, you have probably heard of HB267. The highly controversial bill has sparked a great deal of misinformation, but Utahns deserve the truth. HB267 is a common-sense policy that ensures all public employees have an equal voice in negotiations by eliminating exclusive representation by labor unions. It also ensures that taxpayer money is spent well and suits the interests of the public—something that all public sector employees and all citizens should care about and support.
Opponents of the bill claim that HB267 will eliminate public employees’ ability to bargain for fair wages and better accommodations, but this is factually untrue. The truth is that this bill will give public employees a bigger voice in negotiations and will stop unions from being the sole negotiator. It will allow employees to directly consult with their employers instead of having to go through their union. Instead of harming public employees, it will actually give them the voice they deserve and will give them the ability to fight for their working conditions.
Other opposition to the bill claims that this bill will eliminate retirement benefits for public sector workers. This claim is also false. What the bill aims to uncover is that non-public sector workers are currently receiving retirement benefits from the Utah Retirement System (URS). The salary and retirement for public workers are paid by the taxpayer, so we SHOULD NOT pay for the retirement benefits of a NON-PUBLIC employee. For the public employees scared of losing benefits, you will keep your benefits and retirement. The only people losing benefits will be the non-public employees who are drawing these benefits and costing taxpayers.
The Utah Legislature was correct to pass HB267. Utah has 39,000 public sector employees, and this bill will give them the power to make choices and advocate for their own benefits. With that being said, I encourage my fellow Utahns to take a step back, look at the facts, and support policy that will drive change and make a meaningful impact in our beautiful state.
Cedar Valley Resident
Sky Aker – Patriot, Freedom Fighter, and Right Wing Conspiracist. Believes in survival, doomsday prepping, end of world scenarios and plans to be able to survive such events. Sky can be found hiding in his faraday cage protected bunker. Sky’s favorite saying: Even if the Earth fails, let the “nom de plume” survive.