Residents of Eagle Mountain, Cedar Fort, and Fairfield were not the first residents in the Cedar Valley. In the article “Cedar Fort is Link With Utah’s Pioneer Past” printed in the Daily Herald dated Feb 22, 1961, discusses the Indians in the valley. “It is believed that the Indians also had a village where the town now stands . Many beautiful arrowhead specimens from small one inch, to some five to six inches long have been uncovered. Another interesting historical glimpse is found on the high ledges on the mountain west of the community. Here are found Indian carvings which tell their story in the stone.” Indians not only lived on the west side of the valley in what is now called Cedar Fort, but also on the east side of the valley in what is now part of Eagle Mountain’s City Center. Some of these carvings, rock art, or petroglyphs have been discussed at length in regards to the Oquirrh Mountain development. That development is on land that contains some of these petroglyphs.

The MDA with for the Oquirrh Mountain development has some provisions included to protect the petroglyphs within the developments area. The plan is to create a park to allow the petroglyphs to be enjoyed by the residents of Eagle Mountain and its visitors and to protect them for future generations to enjoy. The Oquirrh Mountain MDA was approved on September 6, 2008, and then modified in July 2014. The first Plat was approved by the City Council on August 18th, 2015, and construction is in process. The MDA explains the park and its purpose, “This 4.2 acre park area consists of an improved trial system leading through the Petroglyph Park area to the Constellation Overlook, protection and display of the historical petroglpyh rock art, benches, shade structures, signs and other features to create an improved feel to the area.” The MDA continues, “This site contains historic rock art that is intended to be preserved and displayed for public viewing primarily in the Petroglyph Park area. Prior to recording any final plat, Developer shall submit and receive approval from the City for a Petroglyph landscape and preservation plan. The plan shall detail the location of all petroglyphs within the Project, the methods to protect petroglyphs during development activity, anticipated relocation of petroglyphs within the project, and the methods of relocation to assure safety of the petroglyphs during relocation.” There are three phases to the plan. Phase 1 includes wrought iron fencing, gravel pathways, security system, and signage. Phase 2 upgrades the trails to asphalt, adds benches and directional signage. Phase 3 adds a pavilion, off-street parking, and landscaping improvements.”
During the August 18, 2015 City Council meeting the development that contains the petroglyphs was amended and there was some discussion about relocation of the rock art. Councilmember Westmoreland, who is now the recently elected Mayor of Eagle Mountain had some concerns about a sentence being removed about the rock art and the need to move some of the art for the development.
Councilmember Westmoreland asked why the first sentence of the last paragraph in the development agreement was removed, regarding petroglyphs that might be moved in the course of construction. Mayor Pengra responded that the developer has been very willing to work with the City to find solutions to the issues of taking care of the rock art. Because of that, and because that sentence might not be enforceable, it was removed.
Councilmember Westmoreland asked how much rock art might have to be removed. Mr. Mumford said there was most likely just one. the petroglyphs will be carefully plotted by GPS when the final plats are designed.
Mayor Pengra stated that there is much more about the petroglyphs that is unknown than is known. Some are positional, aligning and casting shadows, depending on the time of year. he would prefer not to have any of the moved if possible. The developer is willing to try not to move any of them.
Paul Jerome, the Eagle Mountain Assistant City Administrator/Finance Director had this statement to make on this development and the petroglyphs on May 1st, 2018. “Eagle Mountain City and the developer of Oquirrh Mountain Ranch have been working closely for some time on incorporating the preservation of the petroglyphs within the development as part of the development’s open space plan. Currently there is a plan to fully develop the area surrounding the petroglyphs in phases as the development progresses. This will include trails, interpretive signage and vegetation in addition to the fencing that has already been completed. Currently the petroglyphs are still on private land and after the phased completion of the park surrounding them, will be deeded to Eagle Mountain City as part of a city park. We appreciate the developer being a willing partner to protect this unique and priceless asset within our city.”
I asked the City Recorder “Are there any other locations in Eagle Mountain that contain rock art that the city has plans to protect from development?” The City Recorder responded, “…I’m not aware of any studies about the petroglyphs and any other information about other locations is currently protected. It’s my understanding that the City will always work with developers and land owners to preserve any historical sites within the City.”

It should be noted that these petroglyphs can be hard to identify. Different lighting conditions can make them hard to see. If you visit the park, I suggest that you do so at different times of the day. You may be able to see some better in morning light, full sun, or evening light. If you have pictures of the petroglyphs in Eagle Mountain, please feel free to share them on the Scenes from Eagle Mountain Facebook page, The city also has some rock art and native American artifacts on display in the lobby of City Hall.

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.