While the demolition derby may be my favorite event at Pony Express days. The Mascot Miracles Foundation, stick horse Rodeo is definitely the most rewarding event that Pony Express Events puts on. Pony Express Events is the non profit, that has put on the rodeo for the last 4 years, and they will be bringing back a Mascot Miracles Foundation event to pony express days. The Mascot Miracles Foundation, is a non-profit organization that helps children who have serious illness through professional, college and corporate mascots; by creating and attending events, and parties; and bring smiles to those children in unthinkable situations.
One little girl who is excited to attend the stick horse rodeo, is a cancer survivor, and she can’t wait to see Felix the Falcon, of the Utah Falcons, and his zoo of mascot friends. She will wear her boots and ride the stick horse that MMF provides. There will be multiple activities for her to participate in, barrel racing, roping, bucking shoot, wagon and pony rides, petting zoo, and even a barrel train. MMF has invited 40 of their hero’s and their family’s to the event. This year every hero will be provided with a rodeo guide. The guide will be there to help the MMF hero throughout the day. I have volunteered to be a guide this year, even if I know nothing about rodeo, I know a lot about having fun, and this is what these events are all about. Giving the kids and their family’s a day where they can forget about the illness, and focus on fun. If there is one thing, I believe could make this event even better, it would be to have residents in our community shows up to cheer on the hero’s as they compete in the events. See you there May 27th at 1 pm.
Related Resources
Mascot Miracles Foundation
Fexlix the Falcon

This article was written by a Ghost Writer. On occasion, we ask others to write articles for the Cedar Valley Sentinel. In some cases, they do not wish to be identified. If you would like to write for the Cedar Valley Sentinel, as either a ghost writer or as a regular writer, please use the contact-us form and let us know.