On 8/22/2017 the Eagle Mountain Planning Commission had the Hidden Hollow Phase B Preliminary Plat brought before them. The Staff Report states, “In November of 2014 the City Council approved the Hidden Hollow Phase A preliminary plat. The proposed Phase B is the next phase of development, located to the south of Phase A. This development was originally referred to as the Cedar Valley Development, and a final plat (Cedar Valley Plat B) was approved by the City Council for the property in March, 2007. The approved plat was never recorded with Utah County. The original proposal consisted of 77 total lots with an average lot size of 8,236 sq.ft. Some of these original lots were included in the recently constructed Hidden Hollow Phase A. This new
application proposes 40 single family lots on 16.59 total acres of land (12.59 acres of buildable land) for a density of 3.17 units per acre.” After discussion with the developer (Ryan Bybee/Cadence Capital) and some public input from residents, the plan was tabled for a future Planning Commission Meeting. The Planning Commission expressed that several questions/concerns were not answered by the current proposal.
One of the questions was about the slope study supplied by the developer. Originally the developer supplied a slope study that showed that a large portion of the area would not allow development under current city code. City code currently prohibits building on lots that have an average slop of 25% or greater. There were some major differences between the original slope study supplied to the Planning Commission and the one that was supplied hours before the meeting. The planning commission wanted to get more clarification on vast differences between the two studies.

The developer also mentioned that they would require blasting on several of the lots before they could build, they would then be processing the material from the blasting to be used as part of the project. Several of the Planning Commission members expressed their concerns with having to do blasting in the area. Recently Eagle Mountain has had residents reporting damage from blasting in other areas of the city, specifically the Skyline Ridge Development. The blasting would be close to already inhabited homes, as well as Hidden Hollow Elementary School.
The developer indicated that the lots in the red circle area would most likely require some blasting. (The circle area is the area I remember from when the developer pointed it out during the presentation.)
Another issue was open space. The proposal does not meet the required open space points for the development. The developer, Ryan Bybee, had asked that the city waive the requirement because they have allowed residents to use their property to access recreation trails for the last ten years. In an email to City Staff, Ryan states the following.
“There are many miles of other larger dirt roads and trails that are used extensively by the community. The main access for all of these trails is through our Hidden Canyon property. We have allowed and even granted the City an easement (that can be revoked at any time) across the property so residents can enjoy this beautiful property. This area is a huge asset to the community, thousands of people use it on a regular basis.” Bybee’s email continues, “The open space requirement for Hidden Hollow Phase 2 (recently submitted) would be nearly impossible to meet as per the City’s requirements, there is no flat terrain suitable for the amenities the City outlines in the Open Space table. However the unique nature of our property lends itself nicely to other types of amenities like hiking, biking, and ATV trail which have already been developed on our property and which will continue to be developed. The primary access to these trail systems is through our property and we have allowed it over many years and have put up with all that comes with thousands of people pouring into the property, we would like the community to be able to continue to access these amenities and feel strongly that open space credit be given so that our recent submittal can move forward.”
Mike Owens, a commissioner on the planning commission, commented about the statement in the email that the easement could be revoked at anytime. One subdivision along Lake Mountain road did just what Bybee threatens to do in his email. After a rezone was denied on their property, they promptly put up fences and no trespassing signs. Luckily for those who used the trails, another route was available through BLM owned land.
The planning commission asked the developer and the city staff to get together and figure out the question of the open space. The developer has the option of doing a fee in lieu. If city code is followed, the plan is required to provide .91 acres of improved open space and a total amenity point requirement of 91.8 points. The fee in lieu would be $5.75 per square foot of required park space, or a total of $227,924.25. The staff recommendation in the staff report reads as follows, “Staff does not support he plan as currently proposed. Without the dedication of the trail properties, or permanent easements, the plan does not guarantee any type of amenity as the Hidden Valley area future develops”. Requiring a permanent easement would remove the threat of keeping residents from accessing already established trails. Maybe the city can come up with a compromise that both parties can agree on.
The Hidden Hollow Phase B development was tabled by the Planning Commission and will be brought back before them after City Staff and the Developer have been able to address these questions.
Eagle Mountain Trails, and location of Hidden Hollow Access
Additional Resources

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.