Most people are familiar with the United States Post Office creed, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” But this creed can also apply to the 17 Eagle Mountain Employees that act as the Crossing Guards that keep our children safe as they walk, bike, and scooter to and from school.
The City employs 17 Crossing Guards that cover 44 shifts per day. They cover 10 different locations in the city helping to support 6 different local schools. Some of the schools have two locations that are covered by the crossing guards. The crossing guards are paid $9.50. But they will tell you that it is not all about the money. Rick Pearson a crossing guard by Hidden Hollow Elementary explains, “The rewards for this job are far from financial. They are the hugs, high fives, dandelions they pick for me, pretty rocks that they find and thank yous I get. I say you’re welcome to every thank you I hear. Sometimes I get multiple thank yous from the same person and they get multiple you’re welcomes from me. It’s a game we play.” Rick has been working for Eagle Mountain for the last 9 years as a crossing guard. He moved from South Jordan 10 years ago were he was also a crossing guard. Rick has been married for almost 47 years, is a father of three adopted special needs children, and grandfather.
Rick, aka Bobby Wah Sabi “the lollipop man” first cousin to the Lone Ranger, as the kids know him, discusses some of the pitfalls of being a crossing guard.
I could write a book about bad drivers. Number one is not paying attention to me. Not stopping at stop signs is second. Most people treat them as a yield sign. As they drive past me I can see them saying “I’m sorry” of they will wave at me. The law says: while the school lights are flashing the crosswalk becomes a school crosswalk. This is different than a regular crosswalk. All traffic in both directions must stop until there is no one in the crosswalk (41 6a 1002 (2)). Talking on cellphones or texting is number three. I have five lanes of traffic to watch so when there is some sort of break in traffic I try to stop traffic so I can get the kids across the road.
I like it when drivers actually do what they are supposed to do. It is so rare that I don’t know how to react.
This is a very dangerous job. I go invisible once the children have crossed. More the once have cars almost run over me. I mean inches between me and them. My crosswalk is not very well lit in the winter time. Most dangerous time is morning A track between 7:45 and 8:00. This is when parents are running late for work are dropping there child off at school. They think their child is more important than anyone else child. I have count about 15 school buses going to the middle school during this same time period.
The crossing guards are a benefit to the city of Eagle Mountain. Principal Tucker of Eagle Valley Elementary had this to say about the Crossing Guards that help support her students. “We appreciate the time, care and concern our crossing guards give to the students at Eagle Valley every day. They are often the first friendly hello students receive as they arrive to the school. We also appreciate the patience and extra attention patrons take driving in our neighborhoods keeping all our students safe.”
Principal Davies of Hidden Hollow Elementary agrees with Principal Tucker. He had this to say about the crossing guards, including Rick, that support his students. “Outstanding! Awesome! Reliable! Wonderful! We love our crossing guards. Whether it is sunny, rainy, snowy…they are there! Like a mail carrier…they do their job each and every day! It is SO NICE to have them helping to ensure the safety of so many of our students! We are grateful to each one of them for the work they do each and every day!”
Additional Resources:
Utah Code 41-6a-1002.

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.