100 years ago the internet was a thing of Science Fiction, but social media existed. Most newspapers in the day would have a Society section. This section was the social media area before information traveled at the speed of light over the internet and other electronic devices
I recently received an email from Newpapers.com, an Ancestry.com property, that gave me the idea to look to see what exactly the local Society Pages were like 100 years ago. Their email contained the following explanation of what the Society Pages are. “Society pages in historical newspapers were the equivalent of today’s social media. They reported on social events, family news, birthday parties, anniversaries, and more! Don’t forget to explore the society pages when researching your ancestors in the newspapers. You might discover wonderful gems that provide color, context, and insight into your ancestors’ daily lives.” The email continued, “Society pages appeared as early as the 1830s and were prevalent in many papers by the 1880s. Your ancestor didn’t need to be famous or wealthy to appear on the society page (though that helped). Instead, newspapers reported on everyday citizens and events in their lives.”
So I turned to Miss Thelma Huish the Society Editor for the Provo Post, in the day you could phone her by just dialing 13 in Provo.
At this point, I do want to point out that I am currently employed by Ancestry, but Cedar Valley Sentinel is in no way receiving any type of affiliate payment for this article.
Now, let’s have some fun and see what was going on in Provo as reported in the society pages of The Provo Post in their July 25th, 1922 issue. The following list is not word for word, if you want to read the entire list, you can do so by visiting newspapers.com. If you find something interesting while you are there, let me know.
Society Pages – Provo Post July 25th, 1922
- The Family Reunion of Andrus Christensen was held. “Season’s flowers, flags, and ferns artistically decorated the dining tables. Following the banquet, a miscellaneous impromptu program was rendered.”
- The Huish family spent a number of days in Magna visiting the Jensen family.
- The Jacksons went to Mutual Isle, Provo, ” They reported having greatly enjoyed the celebration.”
- The Taylors went to Strawberry
- The Williams spend the day at Vivian Park in Provo canyon
- The Hedquist, Finlayson families, and Miss Jones visited Mutual Isle
- Mrs. Romney from St. George visited
- James Mitchell visited from Payson for the Fame Bureau Convention
- The Peterson family left Sunday for a ten-day auto trip through Logan, Smithfield, and Bear Lake
- The Jensens spent the day visiting with friends and relatives.
- The Hasler family motored to the M.I.A. July 24th celebration at Mutual Isle, Provo
- June Jackson went to visit Calvin Rawlings in Salt Lake
- The Whittemore, Overlade, and Paxman families spend the day at South Fork in Provo canyon camp-cooking dinner.
- The Wright family motored to Donna’s resort in prove canyon for a chicken dinner (Winner Winner Chicken Dinner)
- Miss Anderson from Salt Lake visited her parents in Provo
- The Holland and Wright families went to Vivian Park.
- Elder Anderson arrived safely in Liverpool England for his Swiss-German mission
- The Scott family returned from Yellowstone National Park and reported having enjoyed the trip immensely.
And the stories continue.
The newspaper also had some funny little sayings and jokes mingled through it.
NO CHANCE – “What were your father’s last words?” “Father had no last words. Mother was with him to the end.”
“Business ain’t nothing like the army,” complained an old-timer. “In a business office you walk right into the room marked ‘general.’ but you gotta keep out of the one with ‘Private’ on the door.”
The American Legion Weekly
Little Spencer let no grass grow under his feet, when his uncle came for a visit, before rushing up with this.
“Uncle, make a noise like a frog.”
“Why?” asked the old man
“Cause when I ask daddy for anything he says: Wait till your uncle croaks.”
The Van Raalte Vanguard
And to top it off, you can read the classified ads… “Marry If Lonely: for results, try me: best and most successful “Home Maker”; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strickly confidential; most reliable; years experience; descriptions free. “The Successful Club,” MRS. NASH, Box 556 Oakland- CA.”
You can also buy/sell livestock, there are a couple of milking cows available, and I hope that whoever placed this ad gets his glasses back soon, “LOST – Pair black rimmed glasses in a long, black leather case, somewhere between the library and Second North. Finder return to this office. Reward.”

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.