Men often tend to neglect their health, prioritizing other aspects of their lives over their well-being. However, healthcare professionals emphasize the importance of two simple yet crucial steps towards maintaining good health: finding a primary care or family medicine provider and scheduling regular check-ups to screen for common health issues. Even young men in their twenties, who may perceive themselves as healthy, can benefit from establishing a relationship with a primary care provider and undergoing routine physical examinations. Undetected conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol can progress into serious health concerns if left untreated. This essay explores the significance of primary care, the importance of regular health screenings at different ages, the role of exercise and diet in men’s health, the value of immunizations, and ultimately underscores that men’s health is vital not just for themselves but also for their families, friends, and loved ones.
Men don’t always focus on their health like they should, but doctors say two easy ways are to find a primary care or family medicine provider and make an appointment for a physical to be screened for common health issues.
“Even younger men in their twenties, who think they are feeling fine will benefit by establishing care with a primary care provider and having a routine physical. There are conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol that people may have and not know it, but if those conditions go unchecked and untreated, they can develop into serious health concerns,” said Benz Pimsakul, MD, a family medicine physician at Intermountain Health’s Saratoga Springs Clinic.
“Even though I eat well and exercise, I had no idea my own cholesterol was elevated until I went for a check-up myself. We looked into my family history and as result, my siblings got their cholesterol checked as well,” added Dr. Pimsakul.
Men’s health screenings are important at any age
Other common health screenings for men besides checking blood pressure and cholesterol levels, include checking blood sugar and for skin cancer, or sexually transmitted infections.
It’s recommended that men do a self-exam monthly for any signs of testicular cancer. And some men may want to have fertility testing. Doctors admit, preventative health exams and screenings can be a tough sell for some men, especially if they feel young and invincible.
Find a primary care provider
“Don’t wait until you’re sick to go to the doctor. Having a primary care provider is a great resource to have when a health problem comes up. Typically, you’ll be able to get in sooner, than if it’s a first-time visit. Having regular visits helps your provider get to know you, your family history and your health concerns. And those visits help you develop a relationship with a provider you know and trust,” said Dr. Pimsakul.
Health screenings for older men
As men get older, age 45 is the new recommended age to have a colonoscopy to check for colon cancer. And depending on family history, men should begin screenings for prostate cancer, typically around age 50.
Don’t forget about exercise and diet
Doctors find that many men are very physically active in their teens and early twenties, but it can be hard to maintain a healthy weight and find time to exercise when they work full time, work long hours or have kids.
“Set up a routine to exercise regularly. Regular exercise will help you be less likely to end up with “weekend warrior” sports injuries, and if you’re in shape, it’ll be easier to recover,” said Dr. Pimsakul.
Doctors find many men don’t realize how much food impacts their health. It’s important to eat a healthy diet that focuses on plenty of whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables and plant-based complete proteins like rice combined with beans, or nuts and a whole grain. Choose lean sources of protein such as chicken and fish, and unsaturated fats like olive oil. Limit red meat, alcohol, dairy products and sweets.
“Don’t wait until age 40 to start thinking about your health. Keep an eye on your weight and have your blood sugar levels checked and watch for signs of diabetes or heart issues. Ask your provider if, and when you need a heart screening,” said Dr. Pimsakul.
“Invest in your health like you would a retirement account. A gym membership or regular exercise habit is a good investment in your health. Take precautions now to prevent future disease. If you end up with diabetes or heart disease, those can be very expensive conditions to treat and require lots of doctor visits,” she added.
Get recommended immunizations to prevent future disease
According to Pimsakul, men should also know immunizations aren’t just for children. Adults need to be caught up on their immunizations for influenza, hepatitis, and pneumonia. And when they’re 50 it’s recommended to get immunized against shingles.
Men’s health is not just important for men. It has an impact on their family, friends and the people that love them,” said Dr. Pimsakul.
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This is an article written by an employee of Intermountain Health in collaboration with Cedar Valley Sentinel. It is used with permission on Cedar Valley Sentinel. Copyright stays with Intermountain Health.