The pandemic has been troublesome for all of us; many of us have gone through anxiety and grief during this difficult time. Mental health is vitally important and during these times we may all need a little help to get us through the day. Unfortunately, recent figures from has found that people from Utah are struggling a little more than others.
However, there is help available for all of us. Amidst its various health and wellness posts, SymptomFind recently wrote about how people with anxiety disorders can navigate a world with COVID-19. With the effectiveness of the vaccine rollout there has been a sense of a slight shift toward normality, which has brought about people visiting the coffee shop, the grocery store and getting out onto the trails around Eagle Mountain. And that’s a real positive.
However, as the nights get shorter and winter is just around the corner we all need a few hints to keep away those nervous, tense thoughts which most of us will have experienced at some point over the past year, year and a half.
Breathe…. Just breathe
It may seem simple, we all do it but have you ever really thought about your breathing as a tool to help fight off that tightness in your stomach or the sweaty palms? Just focusing on your breathing, inhale deeply, count to four… Then breathe out slowly as again you count to four. It can be a real tool to focus the mind on something else whilst making you feel calm again.
Get out into the open
Of course, we mentioned it’s getting dark out again, so it’s important you find the time to get out into the great outdoors around Eagle Mountain. With over 80 miles of trails within reach of our homes, there’s plenty of room for us all to get out and enjoy nature. The added health benefits of just ten minutes worth of exercise are vital to naturally decreasing stress levels.
It’s good to talk
Although there have been periods of time during the pandemic where we weren’t able to interact in person, we have been able to talk to each other by various means. Pick up the phone, chat on social media or there’s the now infamous Zoom calls and games. These digital mediums have brought families from other areas in Utah closer together in many instances.
Even if you don’t feel like you can talk to your loved ones, there are options in our local community with a website setup to help residents with any mental and emotional needs during the pandemic.
Take your time
As things improve in the local area it could be easy to almost slip back into old routines. But take things slowly, you might find that heading back into the store at its busiest time brings on those anxious thoughts. Don’t just go in there headstrong, it may be better to ease yourself in.
Things are a little different
While we all hope things get back to what we know as ‘normal’ it would be prudent to just lower your expectations. Seeing people wearing a face covering isn’t something we knew as normal. But if they do stick around it doesn’t mean things are all bad. It’s about managing safety. If you can manage yours, whilst respecting that of others in the community then that normal we once knew may soon return.
Thank you for reading, take care of yourself, and please check back with Eagle Mountain Utah News for additional updates concerning health and wellness during COVID.
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This article was written by a Ghost Writer. On occasion, we ask others to write articles for the Cedar Valley Sentinel. In some cases, they do not wish to be identified. If you would like to write for the Cedar Valley Sentinel, as either a ghost writer or as a regular writer, please use the contact-us form and let us know.