This article is my opinion and my opinion alone. I have reflected on recent events in Eagle Mountain and would like to share my opinion on them. I am sorry if this is hard to hear, or offends you, but I feel like it needs to be said. Lets keep any discussion that this article may create civil and open minded.
First, lets go to science, well actually physics. One of the most basic principles of physics is the principle of Sir. Issac Newton’s third law. Which is that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is not just true in the world of physics but also in the world of everyday decision making. Lets modify it just a little bit.
Every choice (action) has a consequence (reaction). Like Newton’s law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Those consequences can either have good or negative impacts on society and the individual. But unlike Newtons law, there is a loophole. That loophole is that the consequences may go unnoticed, unpunished, or not praised. But at times, the consequences are severe and unchangeable.
Recent Tragedies
Recently we have seen several tragedies happen in Eagle Mountain. All of them has involved teens or pre-teens, each tragedy has had negative consequences on individuals, families, the city, and society.
Each of them has caused heartache, retrospection, out-rage, and a call for action. The tragedies I am talking about include, but are not limited to the following incidents. In April 2020 a 10-year-old boy dies after losing control of the dirt bike he was ridding and then crashed into a tree. Shane sustained critical injuries and was pronounced dead by medics who tried to resuscitate him. Almost a year later in May 2021 a 16-year-old boy was killed after a driver allegedly ran a red light and struck the teenager’s car. The 16-year-old died at the scene, and the 28-year-old driver who allegedly ran the red light was also transported to the hospital by ambulance in critical condition. In March 2022, a boy was hit while riding a scooter. Kayd a 13-year-old boy was hit after allegedly failing to stop at a stop sign and suffered a “catastrophic brain injury” while riding his motorized scooter. The family kept him on life support while his body was prepared for organ donation. And then there is the most recent one. A 19-year-old marine reservist was killed when he was hit in a crosswalk by a 14-year-old riding a dirt bike at an alleged high rate of speed.

These tragedies are sad, and have caused many different emotions in families, individuals, and society as a whole. My intent here is not to down play the pain and suffering of the parties involved, but to point out that each of them could of been avoided, and each of them happened while a law was being broken.
As people look back on what is happening, one of the common themes is that more laws need to be enacted as well as blame being placed on the City and the Cities elected officials. It needs to be remembered that there are already laws in place that if followed would of stopped each of these loss of life. People made decisions and like Newton’s law, the consequences are unavoidable, and had very severe consequences. Society can’t avoid the consequences of those in the society. Those consequences can cause pain and suffering, or joy. (Newton’s 3rd law of physics also applied in each of these cases, there was an action and you can read the news reports for the specific details of the reaction.)
Current Laws
Before we rally to implement new laws or to cast blame because of these incidents, lets look at some of the laws that are currently already on the books that would of stopped these tragedies. I would also like to note at this time that, it is hard for teens to follow the laws when they have not been told about the laws, or they observe their parents and neighbors ignoring the laws and in some cases blatantly breaking them. Recent discussions on Facebook come to mind about people getting upset that other drivers are following the speed limit which in turn it is not allowing them to break the law. There is also the common belief that you are not breaking the law unless you get caught. But these examples show that consequences impact more than just those breaking the laws.
First, everyone should know that running red lights, or stop signs is illegal. Has been and always will be. But what most people may of forgotten is that bicycles, scooters, motorcycles (dirt bikes or other) are considered moving vehicles and by law are required to obey the posted speed limit laws and other rules of the road. That includes stopping at stop signs and lights, yielding to pedestrians, and obeying the posted speed limits.
Second, Eagle Mountain has a very generous off-road policy. I am not going to go over it here, but you can go look at in the city code Chapter 10.20 Off-Highway Vehicles. The one thing I do want to point out is that it is illegal to operate an off-road vehicle without a valid drivers license. “Every person operating an off-highway vehicle in Eagle Mountain City on public streets or trails must be a licensed driver under the laws of the state of Utah.” It is illegal for anyone under 16-years-old that does not have a drivers license to operate ATVs, motorized scooters, dirt bikes, or other OHVs on city streets or trails.
Each of these incidents created a ripple through society as the families, friends, and others deal with the loss of life. But lets remember, consequences are unavoidable. There is not a need for more laws, all of these tragedies were avoidable if laws were followed. Lets teach our kids the laws, and show them they are important by following them as well.
If we all remember that breaking a law may not have an immediate negative consequence, there are times when breaking that law, even if you have done it a thousand times, will eventually have an immediate, unchangeable consequence.
Lets also not put blame on law enforcement for not enforcing the laws. Ultimately the responsibility of following laws falls on the individual that is participating in the activity. And the education of those minors in knowing the laws fall on the shoulders of those parents that are entrusted with the safety, education and care of those minors.
The real tragedy is that all of these could of been avoided, but because someone tried to beat Newton’s third law, the consequences were severe and unchangeable. Every decision we make has a consequence, those consequences can either be positive or negative. Let concentrate on making decisions that have positive consequences for all parties.

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.
Spot on, all sorrow was avoidable. We are not a police state there will never be enough enforcement. It must begin at home. The unimaginable pain suffered by all is heartbreaking and I pray for them.