Each year the City of Eagle Mountian conducts a Resident Survey. This year’s survey is still in the process and residents are encouraged to answer the survey. The survey will stay open until July 15th, so there is still time to answer the survey and let the City Elected Officials and City Staff know what is on your mind.
You can take the survey by following this link:
How are the questions selected?
I was wondering how the questions were selected for the Survey, so I asked Tyler Maffitt the Eagle Mountain City Communications Manager. Below is the response he gave me via email.
“Regarding how the questions are generated, there are three parts to that answer.
- Each year for the past 10+ years, Eagle Mountain City has hired Management Interns, typically MPA students who are looking to build experience in a local government setting. These interns support the City in various research and administrative tasks including the creation and distribution of the resident survey. Interns review the previous year’s survey and work with city leadership to determine which questions should be added, removed, or modified in some way.
- Most questions remain the same from year to year due to the value of time-series data. Asking certain questions year after year helps us to see trends in the effectiveness of the organization, changes of opinions of services or service providers, and so forth.
- This year there were more changes than in years past and residents should expect to see bigger changes next year as City leadership is engaged in the development of a new strategic plan that includes a more robust strategic planning process for ongoing management of the strategic plan. Resident surveys are a common tool among cities nationwide to collect some basic performance measures related to the progress of strategic goals. Therefore, the resident survey will be a valuable means of not just getting a sense of the performance of the organization, but also the progress towards the overall vision of the City.”
Survey Questions 2022
In case you wanted to know what the survey questions were for this year, before you started the survey, here are the questions provided by Tyler Maffitt the Eagle Mountain City PIO.

2022 Eagle Mountain Resident Survey Questions
- What do you like most about living in Eagle Mountain?
- What is the most important change needed to improve Eagle Mountain?
- Which five words best represent your vision for Eagle Mountain in the next 10 years?
- What can Eagle Mountain City do to improve our city’s culture?
- How would you rate the overall quality of life in Eagle Mountain?
- How would you rate Eagle Mountain as a place to raise children?
- How would you rate the following statement: I will still live in Eagle Mountain in five years.
- What can Eagle Mountain City do to foster more inclusivity in our services?
- What specific actions can Eagle Mountain City take to protect native wildlife and preserve the natural environment?
- Please describe any new services you would like to see in the City.
- Within the last 12 months, have you had any in-person or phone contact with an Eagle Mountain City employee?
- Based on the previous question, please rate your experience by the following: Timely Response, Support, Friendliness, Communication, Knowledge
- Please share any comments about your experience (optional).
- How would you rate your satisfaction with communication to residents about the following: News, Events, Services, City Updates, Use of Text Message, Use of Email, Use of Social Media, Use of Website
- Optional: How would you like the City to improve communication channels?
- Please rate your satisfaction level with the quality of the following safety services: Emergency Services (Ambulance/Emergency Medical Services, Fire Services, Wildfire Services), Public Safety Services (Crime Prevention, Traffic Enforcement, Animal Control, Crossing Guards)
- Optional: Please share any comments about our safety services.
- Please rate your satisfaction level with the following recreation services: Adult Sports (Softball, Volleyball, Basketball), City Parks (Cory Wride Park, Nolen Park, Skate Park, Neighborhood Parks, etc.), Public Library Services (Book Collection, Summer Reading, Story Time Digital Content, etc.), Special Events (Pony Express Days, Turkey Trot, Christmas Village, etc.), Youth Basketball
- Optional: Please share any comments about our recreation services.
- Please rate your satisfaction with the following public services: Utility Billing, Drinking Water, Garbage Collection, Recycling, Sewer Services, Sidewalk Maintenance, Snow Removal, Street Cleaning, Storm Drain, Street Repair
- Optional: Please share any comments you have about city services.
- Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of Eagle Mountain City government: Effectiveness in making positive changes within the community, Involvement of residents in decisions, Responsiveness to problems
- Please rate your satisfaction level with each of the following administrative entities: City Administrator, City Recorder (Keeps city records and City Council minutes, Cemetery sale and services), Economic Development, Finance Department (Financial reporting, comprehensive annual financial report, budget), Building Department, City Planning, Neighborhood Improvement (Weeds, Abandoned Buildings/Vehicles, etc.),
- Optional: Please share any comments you have about City Administration.
- How satisfied are you with the Mayor?
- Optional: Please let us know why you gave the Mayor the rating you chose.
- How satisfied are you with City Council?
- Optional: Please let us know why you gave City Council the rating you chose.
- Please feel free to provide any additional comments (optional).
- What is your gender?
- What is your race?
- What is your ethnicity?
- What is your age in years?
- What is the highest level of education you have completed?
- Please indicate the answer that includes your entire household income in 2021 before taxes.
- Do you currently rent or own your home?
- How many adults in your household (including yourself) are employed full-time?
- How many adults in your household (including yourself) are employed part-time?
- How many adults in your household (including yourself) are unemployed?
- How many adults in your household (including yourself) are retired?
- How many adults in your household (including yourself) work within Eagle Mountain?
- How many adults in your household (including yourself) work in another part of Utah County (excluding Eagle Mountain)?
- How many adults in your household (including yourself) work in Salt Lake County?
- How many adults in your household (including yourself) work outside of Salt Lake and Utah Counties?
- How many people (including yourself) in your household are under 8 years old?
- How many people (including yourself) in your household are between 8-12 years old?
- How many people (including yourself) in your household are between 12-18 years old?
- How many people (including yourself) in your household are older than 18?

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.