To comply with social distancing practices, the following procedures have been implemented to limit the number of people in attendance at meetings, while still providing ample opportunity for public input and ensuring legal requirements are met.
1. Meeting Schedule.
A. All meetings will be held as planned until further notice. Any changes to meeting schedules will be posted via social media and other normal channels of communication.
2. Work Sessions – Limiting Physical Attendance.
A. The Council Chambers will be open to administrative staff to participate in the Work Session meeting, from that location.
B. The Planning Commission will participate electronically from remote locations to limit the number of people in the Council Chambers. City staff may also participate electronically.
C. Agenda items will be evaluated to determine if a presentation is necessary.
3. Policy Meetings – Limiting Physical Attendance.
A. Planning Commissioners will participate electronically from remote locations to limit the number of people in the Chambers. City Staff may also participate electronically.
B. General public comment will not be taken during meetings. General comments may be submitted through the following electronic options, prior to the meeting:
i. Telephonic message: 801-789-6611,
iii. Written comments through email:
C. Action Items.
i. Policy Session. The Planning Commission will act on the consent agenda and policy session items where public comment is not accepted (normal practice).
ii. Public Hearings. On items where a public hearing is required by law, residents will be encouraged to provide comments prior to the public hearing date. At the public hearing, the Commission will receive a summary presentation and discuss the issue. Comments received prior to the hearing will be added to the record before closing the hearing and taking final action. Members of the public that wish to make a public comment during the hearing may fill out a Public Comment Submission Form at, and submit the form prior to the meeting. Comments for public hearings may also be submitted through the following electronic options:
a. Telephonic message: 801-789-6611;
A computer, with remote access to the electronic meeting, will be available in the foyer at City Hall to accommodate those that prefer to make comments, in person, rather than using the other electronic means, provided.
iii. Questions. Staff will ensure any questions received through email, the website or by phone, are answered.