What is the problem with rush hour traffic? Is it the hours spent in a chaotic environment? Is it the hostile noises from all the other people participating in this event? I’ve recently moved to a city where ‘rush hour traffic’ is a reality for most people. I do my best to avoid it, and…
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5 Tips for Handling Anxiety Amidst the Ongoing Pandemic
The pandemic has been troublesome for all of us; many of us have gone through anxiety and grief during this difficult time. Mental health is vitally important and during these times we may all need a little help to get us through the day. Unfortunately, recent figures from Worldpopulationreview.com has found that people from Utah…
Read moreHeat Stroke: Common Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
Heat Stroke: Common Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention By Bob Tom Heat stroke, also known as sunstroke, is a dangerous malady that happens when your internal body temperature rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius). Caused by high temperatures, if gone untreated, could lead to damage to many of your internal organs, including your brain….
Read moreCOVID-19 Forces Closure Of Eagle Mountain Recorders Office
On the evening of November 4th, Eagle Mountain City sent out the following notification. ” The City Recorder’s office is currently closed to in-person visitors until further notice. Staff may be reached via email at recorder@emcity.org or (801) 789-6610. For cemetery services, please call (801) 789-6601 during the closure.” I reached out to the city…
Read moreDeal With Post Election Stress
How to deal with Anxiety and Panic Attacks? By: Jeff Hardy What is Anxiety? Most of us would be mildly aware of the word ‘anxiety,’ but it is not everyone’s cup of tea to understand the concept of anxiety in the purest form. Anxiety is an emotion that pours out when one faces an uncontrollable…
Read moreEagle Mountain Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan Received With Mixed Results
Eagle Mountain is in the process of updating its Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan (PTOS) to go along with its updated General Plan. Eagle Mountain has parks scattered throughout the city. You can use the Park Finder at the bottom of this article to locate a park by you.The new PTOS was on…
Read moreEagle Mountain Residents Are Handling The COVID-19 Pandemic With Bright Outlook To Future
Eagle Mountian is a city in Utah with a population of 35,000 residents and it is growing daily. The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has affected everyone around the globe. I recently did a survey for Eagle Mountain Residents and asked specific questions on how they are being affected by the virus. The results are overall positive….
Read moreUtah Health Department Sends Guidance to Eagle Mountain Businesses Concerning Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Utah Department of Health sent an email to business owner email addresses that are associated with the registration or renewal of an active business within the State of Utah. The letter contains this information. Dear Utah Employer, The link below will take you to important information from the Utah Department of Health regarding Novel…
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