The Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce has welcomed new residents with Welcome Bags filled with goodies, samples and coupons from local businesses. Involving Chamber members is encouraged to make newcomers’ experiences extraordinary. #EagleMountainChamber #CommunityWelcomes.
Chamber Ambassadors Provide a Warm Welcome to New Eagle Mountain Residents
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news that’s bound to make our newcomers feel right at home – the Eagle Mountain Chamber Ambassadors have just delivered a wave of Welcome Bags to the Eagle Mountain Library!
A Warm Introduction to Eagle Mountain:
These delightful Welcome Bags are more than just packages; they’re a warm hug from our community to the newest members of the Eagle Mountain family. Packed with goodies, samples, and exclusive coupons from our local businesses, these bags are a perfect introduction to the unique charm and offerings of Eagle Mountain.
Where to Find Them:
New residents, your invitation awaits at the Eagle Mountain Library! Swing by to pick up your Welcome Bag and discover the treasures that make Eagle Mountain such a special place to call home. The library is now not just a hub of knowledge but a gateway to the heart of our community.
A Big Thank You to Our Chamber Members:
A heartfelt thank you to Sara LeBreton
(Sara Sells Utah)
and Nicole Rabb
(Tagg-n-Go Car Wash)
for delivering the Welcome Bags and to our Chamber members who contributed flyers, swag, samples, and coupons to make these Welcome Bags truly extraordinary. Your commitment to showcasing the best of your businesses enriches the experience for our new neighbors and highlights the diverse offerings within our community.
Get Involved:
Are you a Chamber member eager to contribute to the next round of Welcome Bags? Do you have questions or want to share your thoughts on this fantastic initiative? We’d love to hear from you! Your involvement is what makes Eagle Mountain a community like no other.
Connect with Us:
Reach out to us if you’re ready to showcase your business in the next Welcome Bag or if you simply want to be part of the ongoing excitement. We’re here to help you connect, engage, and thrive within the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
In the spirit of community and warmth, let’s make every newcomer’s experience in Eagle Mountain extraordinary! ����
#EagleMountainChamber #CommunityWelcomes #AmbassadorInitiative #LocalBusinesses
Publish Date: 2023-11-13T17:37:47.000Z

Through the commitment and involvement of its members, the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce provides business leadership for the Eagle Mountain Community by promoting G.E.A.R.S.