On 7-8-22 the company Cedar Corners Management, LLC of American Fork, Utah filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Cedar Corners Management, LLC is the developer that is listed in the Master Development Agreement for the currently under construction development of Sunset Flats On January 16th, 2018 Eagle Mountain signed a Master Development Agreement with Cedar Corners…
Read moreYear: 2022
UPDATE: Eagle Mountain City Loses $1.13 Million to Cybercrime Attack
At 9:00 am on 9/12/2022 the City of Eagle Mountain released the following press release Eagle Mountain City MEDIA STATEMENT Contact: Tyler Maffitt, Communications Manager tmaffitt@emcity.orgEagle Mountain City strengthens financial policies following cybercrime On Aug. 31, 2022, Eagle Mountain City determined that it was the victim of an organized cybercrime, resulting in the loss of…
Read moreMan Charged For Lewdness In Eagle Mountain
On September 1st, 2022 several individuals contacted the Utah County Sheriff’s Office in regards to a “bright blue” car watching children and performing a lewd act while they were walking to school. The Utah County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed the incident, and that it was reported by two independent witnesses. The suspect was in a…
Read moreSheriff Looking For Help Identifying RV Storage Thiefs
On August 23, 2022, at about 11:30 AM, a Ford truck entered the Sunset Storage and RV lot and stole a 21′ Travel Trailer from the lot. The Sheriff’s department is asking for help identifying the Man, Woman, or vehicle used in the theft. On August 31, 2022, the Utah County Sheriffs’ department issued the…
Read moreCedar Valley High School – Annual Walk to Fight Suicide
The event will be happening on September 7th at 6 pm. The event will start with food trucks and community mental health resources at 6 pm. Then it will be followed by a walk around the CVHS track. The Cedar Valley Counseling Department sent the following email to Parents of CVHS students. Hello Cedar Valley!…
Read morePlex Security Breach
Plex, a streaming service, announced that it had a third-party attack on one of its database servers and was able to extract emails and passwords. The passwords were encrypted, but they are asking all service users to reset their passwords and to log out all devices attached to their service. Plex is a streaming service…
Read moreHow Safe Are The Local Eagle Mountain High Education Options?
With summer coming to an end, school is starting. Eagle Mountain is considered a Bedroom Community. Most Eagle Mountain residents go to school and work outside the Cedar Valley area. With the advent of COVID, that has changed some as employers are moving to a more mobile, work-from-home type of workforce. One example is Ancestry.com,…
Read moreRules of Civility
With all of the contention, mud-slinging, and division found in the world today, I thought it was important to post “The Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation” by George Washington. When another speaks, be attentive yourself and disturb not the audience. If any hesitate in his words, help him not nor…
Read moreThe Death of A Legacy
I come from miners’ stock. My grandfather and great-grandfather on my mother’s side were hard rock miners. And when they were not working in the mine, they were driving a team of horses. They both worked at a mine that supported a town that is now dead. The town no longer exists. The land was…
Read moreNew Internet Provider Hits Eagle Mountain
If you follow Facebook and any of the Eagle Mountain pages, you will notice that one of the most frequently asked questions is about who offers internet to the residents of Eagle Mountain. Cedar Valley Sentinel runs a high internet usage model. We are constantly using the internet for articles, research, and keeping the Eagle…
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