On May 30th, Mayor Pengra announced that he will not be running for a second term. This announcement follows the announcement by Adam Bradley, during a recent City Council Meeting, that he would also not be running for another term. Pengra states in the letter written to the “City Council, City Staff, and Residents of…
Read moreMonth: May 2017
EM Clean-Up Day
Eagle Mountain had its yearly city-wide clean up day on Saturday May 13th. At 8:30 am around 400 residents assembled at Frontier Middle School to be organized into groups. Those groups then to descend on the city for various clean up projects. During the day there were 14 dumpsters, provided by the city, for residents…
Read moreWestlake Excellence
May 17th was a night of honor and recognition for a large number of the Westlake 2017 senior class. The administration staff, seniors, and their families started to stream into the Westlake Thunder auditorium for a program to honor the achievements of the 2017 graduating class. The Westlake High School Senior Evening of Excellence is…
Read moreMascot Miracles Foundation – May 27th
While the demolition derby may be my favorite event at Pony Express days. The Mascot Miracles Foundation, stick horse Rodeo is definitely the most rewarding event that Pony Express Events puts on. Pony Express Events is the non profit, that has put on the rodeo for the last 4 years, and they will be bringing…
Read moreRanches HOA Provides documents to provide clarity to case
The following email was sent for the Ranches HOA to the homeowners. It included three documents, all three of those documents are included below. From: Date: Fri, May 19, 2017 at 2:50 PM Subject: Notice to Homeowners – Settlement Agreement Date: May 19, 2017 Subject: Notice to Homeowners – Settlement Agreement Notice to All Ranches…
Read moreEagle Mountain Residents Push for Legalized Medicinal Cannabis
On Saturday May 20th the 2017 Utah State GOP (Republican Party) Organizing Convention will convene in Sandy, Utah. This convention is used to elect State GOP officials, as well as modify the State GOP bylaws and set forth resolutions that are designed to guide the elected GOP officials for the following years. Eagle Mountain has…
Read moreLegal summary of the Ranches HOA filed memorandum
On 5/11/2017 the Ranches HOA filed a memorandum with the Forth District Court, this is a legal summary of the memorandum filed. The Master Association, under the recent ruling, must pay out large amounts of money to the sub-associations in order to stratify the judgement against it. Recently the Master Association filed a memorandum and…
Read moreRanches HOA files court documents to have court reconsider, and clarify ruling.
The Ranches HOA on May 11th, filed a motion in the Fourth District Court in Utah County to have the court rule on the manner of the payout for the judgement. The original ruling documents can be found on this post, Eagle Mountain Ranches HOA loses millions in lawsuit. The motion that was filed, has…
Read moreSkyline Ridge Development Causes Strife Between Residents, Developer, and City
Skyline Ridge Phase 2 was recently discussed at the 5/9/2017 Eagle Mountain Planning Commission. The developer Goldsworth Homes, represented by Austin Allred asked the Planning Commission to modify the existing Phase 2, Plats 5,6 & 7. The developer gave the Planning Commission two different options to consider. The applicant was not at the meeting, but…
Read moreThe Buzz about Bees
Spring is in full bloom, the flowers are blooming, and the trees are full of blossoms. And if you sit still and listen, you can also hear the buzz of the bees enjoying the new beauty spring and summer bring. There are a number of people that support hives in the Eagle Mountain and the…
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