On 1/28/2017 Pro Life Utah joined with the 2017 March 4 Life Utah to show support for Life and the importance of protecting the unborn. The march participants gathered at Washington Square in Salt Lake City and then proceeded to march North on state street up to the State Capital building.
Pro-Life Utah is excited to invite you to be part of the 2017 March 4 Life Utah!
Citizens across Utah are invited to gather with pro-life leaders, emcee Rod Arquette, speakers Meg Johnson, Laurie Jensen, and Bryonna Jones, along with singer Dallyn Vail Bayles, as we bring awareness to the millions of lives that have been lost since the passage of Roe v Wade. – ProLifeUtah.org
In attendance were several residents from Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs. I marched with my wife Aimee Kieffer and two of my daughters Kit and Kallie. We were joined by Colby Curtis and Stephanie Gricius of the Eagle Mountain City Council. Both the council members were carrying signs and waved as people honked. Heidi Balderree, a resident of Saratoga Springs, also marched along side us.

There were a lot of happy faces and cheerful people showing support for the life of unborn children. The march extended down state street for several blocks. People were talking, sharing stories, and showing support for all life, no matter race, religion, or economic status.

At one intersection a driver was showing his non-support for the event by flipping the marchers off with both hands. Colby Curtis look at him and said, “I Love you”. A few seconds later you could hear Stephanie Gricius yell, “You don’t have a Uterus, so shut up!” During the march most of the cars that drove by honked and waved to show their support. During the march, the marchers used the sidewalks, obeyed the street lights, and used the cross walks. There was no civil disobedience, but a attitude of love and support for those who have yet to be born, and to those who were not born because of current abortion laws.
The signs had sayings that were as different as the marchers themselves. They included sayings like; “Planned Parent-hood won’t De-Fetus”, “Choose Life”, “A person’s a person no matter how small”, “All lives matter, black, white, blue and babies in the Womb”. There were some teenage boys carrying signs that stated, “1/3 of my generation is missing.”
I listened in on a news interview of a young man that the doctors suggest should be aborted. His twin died in his mothers womb, and the doctors suggested that he be aborted, and would never survive. Needless to say, he was able to march with us because of a decision his mother made, and was able to be recently married.
The march proceeded to the State Capital steps, where we then went inside the Governors hall for a short program that included several musical numbers, talks from abortion survivors, and other speakers.

The experience was a very positive one, and one that I was glad I was able to participate in with my wife and two of my teenage daughters. It was the opportunity to show them that you can support a cause, be active, without being vulgar, disrespectful, or causing a disruption for being destructive to the city. I was also glad to see some of the local elected officials from Eagle Mountain supporting the cause as well.
On a side note, there were a bunch of school kids drawings on the pillars in the governors hall. Eagle Mountain had several on the pillars from the students of Hidden Hallow Elementary.
Related Media
KSL – Hundreds March for Unborn Children Against Abortion in Utah.
4 Utah – Pro-Life March Held Through Streets of Salt Lake City.
2 KUTV – Utahns Gather in Salt Lake City for Annual March for Life.
Fox 13 – Hundreds Take Part in March 4 Life Utah in Salt Lake City.

Mike Kieffer – Editor-in-Chief, Cedar Valley Sentinel
Mike Kieffer is a dynamic leader and community advocate based in Eagle Mountain, Utah. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cedar Valley Sentinel, a local publication dedicated to informing, inspiring, and elevating the Cedar Valley community through honest and accurate journalism. With a passion for fostering connections, Kieffer has made it his mission to highlight local businesses, provide reliable news, and support community development.
Beyond his editorial role, Kieffer is the owner of Lake Mountain Media, LLC, a company specializing in media and communications, and the co-owner of Quail Run Farms, which focuses on sustainable farming and community engagement. He also actively contributes to the local economy and culture as a member of the Eagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce.
Kieffer’s dedication extends to preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the Cedar Valley area. He often participates in community-centered events and media, including podcasts that explore the unique aspects of life in the region. Through his varied endeavors, he remains a steadfast advocate for the growth and enrichment of the local community.